Accounting for consignment
True or false quiz

By: Rashid Javed | Updated on: July 12th, 2023

1. Consignor's account is a nominal account.

2. Consignor's account is a real account.

3. Consignor's account is a personal account.

4. Consignee's account is a nominal account.

5. Consignee's account is a real account.

6. Consignee's account is a personal account.

7. Consignment account is a nominal account.

8. Consignment account is a real account.

9. Consignment account is a personal account.

10. Goods sent on consignment account is a nominal account.

11. Goods sent on consignment account is a real account.

12. Goods sent on consignment account is a personal account.

13. The debit balance of consignment account represents net profit.

14. The credit balance of consignment account represents net profit.

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5 Comments on
Accounting for consignment
True or false quiz
  1. Manisha Mane


  2. Manisha Mane

    Good simple but nice quizzes

  3. Manisha Mane

    Nice quizzes

  4. Ram Charan.k

    Question are brilliant in nature
    I kindly request the team to provide question which contains some practical thing

  5. Babli gupta

    Nice quiz

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