Full disclosure principle of accounting

By: Rashid Javed | Updated on: July 19th, 2024

Definition and explanation:

The full disclosure principle of accounting is related to the materiality concept of accounting and talks about the information disclosure requirements for the users of the financial statements of an entity. According to this principle, the management of an entity is required to disclose all the relevant and appropriate information (both financial and non-financial) in their financial statements that could impact the decision-making ability of the users of those statements. Such information is made available to stockholders and other users either on the face of financial statements or in the notes to the financial statements.

The financial statements of a company are primarily prepared for the use of its stockholders. This allows them to look after the activities of management and make sure that their company is running profitably. But it is also a fact that shareholders are not the only party of interest that relies on these financial statements. Stakeholders like suppliers, customers, lenders, potential investors, etc. also use these financial statements to feed their individual information needs. These external stakeholders analyze and interpret these financial statements to make informed and detailed decisions. Thus, the full disclosure principle of accounting emphasizes that any piece of data that could materially alter the opinion or decision of these users must be included in the entity’s financial statements. Due to the lack of insight into the company’s internal affairs, these statements are vital pieces of information for outsiders, and the full disclosure principle serves as a savior for them.


  1. If we talk about a loan to a director provided by the company, the full disclosure principle will require the managers of the company to disclose all the information related to that loan arrangement, like the loan deed itself, the duration of the loan, any collateral liability attached, the rate of interest the company is charging, etc. So in light of this data, potential investors can make their decision about investing in the company with more ease.
  2. Another example could be investors’ full knowledge about the assets and liabilities of a company. Along with dollar amounts, many other disclosures could help investors and other users predict the company’s future performance and financial position and assist them in making more informed decisions about the company’s performance and position. These disclosures include the rate used to depreciate assets, the policies used to depreciate and revalue assets, any liabilities or provisions that are contingent, any assets under fixed or floating charge, any assets leased by the company, the physical condition of the building and machinery, etc.
  3. If a company expects a change in its tax rate in the near future, it must disclose this information in notes in some appropriate manner.
  4. Every company uses certain accounting policies and methods for preparing its financial statements. These policies and methods must be disclosed to the users of financial statements.
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