Cash book
Multiple choice questions (MCQs) quiz

Posted in: Cash book (quizzes)
By: Rashid Javed | Updated on: August 25th, 2024


  • Chapter: Cash book
  • Quiz type: Multiple choice questions (MCQs) quiz
  • Number of questions: 25
  • Estimated time required: 12 - 15 minutes
  • Passing score: 60%

Your result will be displayed at the end of the quiz.

1. A cash book is used to:

2. Which of the following cannot be treated as cash?

3. A cash book works as:

4. Which of the following statements is a correct statement?

5. Which of the following cash books is the most identical to a traditional cash account?

6. The credit side of a cash book is also known as:

7. If we add a bank column to both sides of a single column cash book, it becomes a:

8. Which of the following columns of a three column cash book is not balanced?

9. A contra entry is an entry that involves:

10. A contra entry is always:

11. Which one of the following transactions will not affect the cash book?

12. Which one of the following transactions will be recorded as contra entry?

13. Maha Trading Company receives a check amounting to $25,000 from Mr. John on March 20 and deposits the same into bank on March 22. How would these transactions affect the company’s cash book?

14. A cash book used to record day to day minor expenses is known as:

15. A person who is responsible for recording transactions in patty cash book is known as:

16. Which of the following is not a contra entry?

17. The debit side of a cash book is also known as:

18. Which of the following is not posted to ledger?

19. A contra entry is:

20. The amounts written in the discount column on the debit side of the cash book represent:

21. The total of discount column on the debit side of cash book is posted to the:

22. The total of discount column on the credit side of cash book is posted to the:

23. A & Co. received a crossed check amounting to $5,000 from B & Co. The A & Co. deposited the check into bank on the same date on which it was received. The amount of the check would be written:

24. X Traders maintains a double column cash book. It received a check amounting to $1,000 from Y Traders. The check was not deposited into bank account on the same date on which it was received. The amount of the check would be written:

25. A firm that properly maintains a cash book does not need to maintain:


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4 Comments on
Cash book
Multiple choice questions (MCQs) quiz
  1. Ankush

    Highly useful quiz liked it, the level awesome


    That is what type of questions i was searching.Thx a lot sir 💚💚

  3. Isaac Smith

    Thanks sir, I have learned something from you. May God richly bless you.

  4. Alma

    Just love the quiz, it is a practical quiz to be remembered.

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